A Room With A View

My Sister and Brother have done a fabulous job on their new house. I still seem to be bewildered that for all the house is (and it is fabulous), the view just dwarfs the house. The house has been put together to work with he view, and they compliment each other absolutely. The seaside patio just calls for Champaigne, Rose, Verdelho.Chardonnay, or whatever is your preferred option. When you go inside there is lots of great glass to look out of.
Why is it, I ask, that this wide brown land that gave rise to the poetry and prose of Dorothea MacKellar and others extolling the splendor of the land of sweeping plains, finds that all but a quite small percentage of the population live within 100 Km's of the coast. Could it be that we prefer water, that we have come from water, that we are made of water? And this does not seem to be a new thing either.
We all know how important to the development of society was the invention of the wheel, yet some how we forget that people invented boats long before wheels, and presumably that means that boats are more important to people than wheels.
My Mothers House house a collection of impressive objects of artistic merit, Yet the commanding view was the one thing that I remember the most. The estate agents mantra "location, location, location" would seem to have some merit.
As another years turns to its conclusion, and yet another year begins its course, we will head down to the foreshore to see the fireworks, and trust this year of promise will deliver good things to us all.